Hey Everyone!
I haven't posted, I've been busy with a few things---hosted a Halloween Party, had my sister, Bianca in town, and then came down with the flu. I've had it for 5 days now, each day gets better than the last, thank goodness. I seldom ever get sick, but it was going around at my children's school and my daughter had it, so I knew between my son, hubby, and I, one, if not all, were bound to get it as well.
Anyway, I wanted to update everyone who is following me. All of the names of the first 50 followers are ready for me to draw one person's name from. I will make the announcement on Wednesday, so stay tuned. The winner's name will be posted here on my blog, and I will personally contact the winner. Best of Luck to All!
Lastly, I thought I'd share a photo, or two... This morning, after days of feeling sick, I managed to drink a cup of coffee, and while doing so, I took in the beautiful view from my sunroom. It is fall here in Atlanta and unlike my home state of Michigan, where the month of October promises the beautiful myriad of colors, here things change in a blink of an eye---or so it seems. Trees go from green to barren and it pales in comparison to the beauty of what the northern states have to offer during the fall. Ooooh, but this morning was unique. The sunrise was gorgeous and the water calm---and a tree not far from me, caught my eye. It's beautiful red and gold leaves sparkled in the sun and the reflection of the water made it all that More... Quickly--- I reached for my camera and snapped a few photos, to embrace it, to remember it, and to share it; With You:)